
Category: Jones Act

7 Common Jack-Up Rig Accidents (and What Drilling Companies Should Do To Prevent Them)

Jones Act Dec 16, 2022

Working on a jack-up rig is dangerous. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), it is among the most dangerous jobs in the country. While some of the risks of working on a jack-up rig come with the territory, many of them are preventable. Unfortunately, drilling companies often prioritize their profits over their workers’ safety, and, as a result, preventable accidents are far too common.


Do You Have a Claim for Sun Stroke (or Heat Stroke) Under the Jones Act?

Jones Act Oct 13, 2022

Working onboard a ship or on a platform on open water presents several risks. Along with the risk of serious injuries, these risks include the risk of harm caused by prolonged sun exposure. Many offshore workers who spend long days on deck suffer from sun-related health conditions—including sun stroke (or heat stroke) in the most serious of cases.


Can You File a Maritime Injury Claim for Sun Exposure?

Jones Act Oct 6, 2022

While maritime workers face prolonged sun exposure year-round, working in the sun can be especially dangerous during the summer months. Maritime workers regularly suffer exposure-related injuries on land, on vessels, and on rigs and platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, and sadly some of these injuries prove fatal. If you have suffered severe burns, have suffered a heat stroke or heart attack, or are dealing with any other medical condition caused by sun exposure on the job, you may be entitled to compensation, and you should speak with a Mississippi Jones Act lawyer about your legal rights.


Injured Deckhands

Jones Act Jul 6, 2022

We Help Injured Deckhands Recover Just Compensation Under the Jones Act Deckhands who work on all types of vessels face injury risks on a daily basis. Getting injured on the job can not only be painful, but it can also be extremely expensive. Between their medical bills and lost wages, many deckhands struggle to stay afloat after suffering job-related injuries. Fortunately, the Jones Act provides injured deckhands with a source of financial compensation in most cases. Are You a Deckhand? Working as a deckhand can entail a variety of duties. From handling lines and operating fishing equipment to painting and cleaning, deckhands do all types of jobs to help keep their vessels clean, safe, and operating efficiently. Unfortunately, vessel owners and operators don’t always treat their deckhands with the same level of respect. Deckhands are often expected to work under hazardous conditions, without the training and equipment they need to stay safe, and without regard to their own personal safety. Additionally, working as a deckhand can be extremely physically demanding, and this adds to the risks (and stress) of working long hours day after day onboard a vessel on the sea. So, if you are a deckhand and you have been injured on the job, you are not alone. In fact, deckhands regularly get injured while performing their job duties—whether doing routine tasks on deck or helping respond to emergency situations. Fortunately, the Jones Act protects deckhands just like it protects other offshore and maritime workers, and you can hire […]


Can I File a Jones Act or LHWCA Claim if I Slipped on Algae?

Jones Act Jun 30, 2022

Algae is a persistent issue on all types of vessels. It can present risks for land-based maritime workers as well. If you are an offshore or maritime worker and you got injured slipping on algae, what are your legal rights? Here’s what you need to know: Why is Algae So Slippery? Algae is a type of marine organism that can grow extremely quickly under the right conditions. Moist and warm environments are ideal for algae, which can “bloom” on an extraordinary scale overnight. However, algae can also grow slowly over time, and as algae builds up on ship decks and other surfaces, it can become very slippery. This is due to a combination of algae’s high water content, durable structure, and smooth texture. In fact, studies have shown that wet algae can even be more slippery than ice—though just barely. While studies have found ice to have a coefficient of friction of 0.017, algae’s coefficient of friction can be as low as 0.015. If you think about how dangerous it can be to walk on ice, you can get an idea of the dangers of walking on algae on the job. Offshore and maritime workers also face a high risk of slipping on algae because most walking surfaces in the maritime work environment are designed to prevent slips and falls. If you are used to walking on a ship deck that is textured to provide traction, you might not be prepared for the slip-and-fall risk of stepping on algae. This […]


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